Friday 8 December 2017

Mohenjo-daro History

(Sindhiموئن جو دڙو‎, Urduموئن جو دڑو, Sindhi for Mound of the Dead Men;is an archaeological site in the province of SindhPakistan. Built around 2500 BCE, it was one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization, and one of the world's earliest major cities, contemporaneous with the civilizations of ancient EgyptMesopotamiaMinoan Crete, and Norte Chico. Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century BCE as the Indus Valley Civilization declined, and the site was not rediscovered until the 1920s. Significant excavation has since been conducted at the site of the city, which was designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.The site is currently threatened by erosion and improper restoration.


Mohenjo-daro, the modern name for the site, has been variously interpreted as "Mound of the Dead Men" in Sindhi, and as "Mound of Mohan" (where Mohan is Krishna). The city's original name is unknown. Based on his analysis of a Mohenjo-daro seal, Iravatham Mahadevan speculates that the city's ancient name could have been Kukkutarma ("the city [-rma] of the cockerel[kukkuta]").Cock-fighting may have had ritual and religious significance for the city, with domesticated chickens bred there for sacred purposes, rather than as a food source. Mohenjo-daro may also have been a point of diffusion for the eventual worldwide domestication of chickens.

Sindh Madressatul Islam University

About SMIU

Sindh Madressatul Islam University is chartered University, duly recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. It is one of the oldest institutions in South Asia. The Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, studied at this institution for about four and a half years from 1887-92.
Its campus is located in the commercial hub of Karachi, near I.I. Chundrigar Road (old McLeod Road) in vicinity of Habib Bank Plaza and MCB Tower. It is spread over more than eight acres of land and comprises some of the most beautiful colonial era buildings designed by architect James Strachan in 1880s. The Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah studied at this institution for about four and a half year from 1887-92.
The SMI University has started with five departments, each offering graduate and undergraduate program. The departments are Media and Communication Studies, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Environmental Sciences and Education.
The University is privileged to have highly qualified and devoted faculty with PhD, M.Phil and Masters from the best national and international universities. In fact it has the largest number of PhD faculty members amongst the newly established universities in Pakistan.
It has spacious classrooms equipped with air conditioners, multimedia projectors, designed furniture etc.
SMIU has also the distinction of establishing state of the art television studio and FM Radio studio to serve as its broadcasting laboratories. Both the studios offer hands-on training to the students as well as working journalists.
The Information Technology laboratories of the University are equipped with latest computers, laptops, scanners, printers, multimedia projectors and other technical equipment. The labs are managed by highly qualified technical staff. It provides free internet service through Wi-Fi. All University computers are provided with super high-speed link for accessing research journals, research repositories on internet, electronic libraries and e-mail. SMIU is continuously improving its facilities with cutting edge technology.
The University Library has more than fifteen thousand books, some of which are rare ones. The library subscribes to about three dozen national and international research journals in addition to Higher Education Commission (HEC) sponsored digital access to most reputed international journals. It is looked after by a team of qualified librarians and technical staff.
The University has Jinnah Museum also, which contains the relics associated with the founder of the institution, Khan Bahadur Hassanally Effendi, as well as educational records of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and other alumni. It has recently established an archives section also, where important record is being preserved.
The University has a fully air-conditioned and state-of-the-art auditorium named after one of its illustrious old students Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto. It is used for holding extensive lectures and other functions of the institutions. Co-curricular programs like debates, declamation contests, quiz competitions, drama and variety of functions are organized on regular basis.
There is a cafeteria also that provides quality food and beverages items at reasonable cost to students, faculty and staff members ensuring their health and safety.
The students and faculty is encouraged to carry on visits to the places relating to their professional interests as well as go for recreational visits in form of groups under supervision of University professors.
In addition to these facilities at its main campus, the University is also in the process of building its additional campus in the newly launched Education City, in the vicinity of Karachi, where 100 acres of land have been allotted to SMIU.


In accordance with its historic creed "Enter to learn, Go forth to serve" Sindh Madressatul Islam University strives to transform society by inculcating objective thinking, coupled with respect for moral values, amongst the succeeding generations by means of exceptional quality in education.


The mission of Sindh Madressatul Islam University is to create excellent environment for education, research and learning in order to produce leaders in various walks of life. The university seeks to establish linkages and relationships with the best international seats of learning in order to advance the cause of education as well as foster goodwill and harmony amongst communities around the world through interaction with students, faculty, alumni and other segments of society.


  • To maintain working relationship with our students, faculty, alumni and volunteers.
  • Use the best teaching and training methodology.
  • Pursue leading-edge research.
  • Engage in the development of innovative ideas and analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills.
  • Full freedom of thought and expression.
  • Encourage both faculty and students to be independent and creative thinkers.
  • Commitment to students and their guardians that the education provided will help in creating responsible citizens and global leaders.t

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Sheikh Ayaz

Shaikh Ayaz was born Mubarak Ali Shaikh ( مبارک علی شیخ‎ March 1923 – 28 December 1997) was one of the prominent Sindhi poets of Pakistan in general and Sindh in particular. He wrote several books on poetry, biographies, plays and short-stories in both Sindhi and Urdu languages. His translations of Shah jo Risalo, which was written by the 18th century Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, from Sindhi to Urdu language established him as an authority in his domain.
He received Sitara-i-Imtiaz for his literary works and is regarded as a "revolutionary and romantic poet"

Early life

Shaikh Ayaz was born as Mubarak Ali on 2 March 1923 in Shikarpur, sINDH. He was Sindhi speaking of Arabs origin his ancestors setteled Sindh permanently centuries ago. He was a lawyer but he also served as the vice-chancellor of Sindh University.Ayaz married Iqbal Begum, who was also a Sindhi poet. He died on 28th, December, 1997 in Karachi, Sindh after suffering from cardiac-arrest - leaving behind two sons and a daughter.

Literary career

Ayaz is one of the major voices in twentieth century poetry. His literary career spanned almost six decades and covered a wide range of poetry and prose forms, ranging from the traditional baitwa'i,nazm,"azad nazm" and ghazal to plays in verse. He wrote short stories, Operas, essays, poetry, travelogues, diaries, an autobiography and the translation of Shah jo Risalo in Urdu. He also wrote poetry in Urdu which is spread to two books, Booye Gul, Nala-i-dil" and Neel Kanth Aur Neem Ke Pate. His first book of poetry was in Urdu named Boi gul, Nalai dil and his first book of poetry in Sindhi was, " Bhounr Bhire Akas"

Saturday 25 March 2017

Sindhi Poetry

Sindhi poetry (Sindhiسنڌي شاعري ‎) continues an oral tradition dating back a thousand years. The verbal verses were based on folk talesSindhi is one of the oldest languages of the Indus Valley having a peculiar literary colour both in poetry and prose. Sindhi poetry is very rich in thought as well as contain variety of genres like other developed languages. Old Sindhi poetry impacts upon contemporary languages and also accepts the healthy influence of some languages like Hindi. Sindhi poetry contains two main original forms of verse, such as bait and WaeiBait slightly resembles with form Dohas and Sorthas, moreover also influenced by Persian forms like Ghazal, Mathnavi, Rubai, and Kaafi. Since the 1940s, Sindhi poetry has incorporated broader influences including the sonnet and blank verse. Soon after the independence of Pakistan in 1947, these forms were reinforced by TrioletHaikuRenga and Tanka etc. At present, these forms continue to co-exist, albeit in a varying degree, with Azad Nazm having an edge over them all.

  • Sawan Fakir

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Sindhi Culture

Sindh is one of the four provinces in Pakistan located at the Southern border. The province of Sindh has been named after the famous River...